The ultimate measure of a man
The ultimate measure of a man

  • The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
  • The real man is one who always finds excuses for others, but never excuses himself.
  • A real man requires a virtuous woman, whose values and loyalty are a reflection of his own.
  • MONEY spent is MEANINGLESS, but TIME spent is PRICELESS!
  • A WOMAN can always tell if a MAN LOVES HER by how much TIME he’s WILLING to invest.
  • The real man, smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection.
  • And a guy who will never lie to me, betray me, hide secrets from me, go behind my back and who will stay faithful. I want a guy who will respect and value me and be there through all the good and bad times. A guy who will work to fix things and not run off to other women when times are tough, then come back and expect you to fight for him.
  • Finding a man is easy, finding a real man that’s worth keeping is the hard part.
  • A man with character strengths is all that a woman not only admires, but feels deep respect for.
  • A real man doesn’t have time to cheat because that man is too busy providing all of which a good woman deserves.
  • The ideal man doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t swear, doesn’t get angry, doesn’t exist.
  • A real man NEVER stops trying to show his women how much she means to him even after he already has her.
  • He just loves the way your soul connects to his soul and how your heart beats for him. He doesn’t care whether you play tennis or with a teddy bear.
  • A real man doesn’t care what color you wear or how you style your hair.
  • He believes in everything she gets strength from and loves her mind body and soul.
  • A real man respects the virtues and values of the woman he loves.
  • The real power of a man is in the size of the smile of the woman sitting next to him.
  • Real men are fathers to their kids, husbands to their wives, sons to their mothers.
  • A strong man can handle a strong woman.
  • But the right woman wants a man’s time, effort, passion, honesty, loyalty, smile, and him choosing to put her as his priority.
  • So many men think women want money, cars, and gifts.
  • Being a male is the matter of birth, being a man is the matter of age, But being a gentleman is the matter of choice.
  • The most attractive thing a man can do, is exactly what he says he’s going to do.
  • A real man will be honest no matter how painful the truth is.
  • A real man won’t allow another man to disrespect his woman, daughter, or his mother.
  • The best way to find out if you can trust somebody, is to trust them.
  • He’s not afraid to be criticized by his woman.
  • A real man swallows his pride when he’s at fault and apologizes for his mistakes.
  • the ultimate measure of a man

    Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved. Not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal. The woman came out of man’s rib, not from his feet to be walked on. Be very careful when you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. A real man has no tougher judge than himself.I respect any man who can heal a heart he didn’t break and raise a child he didn’t make.

    the ultimate measure of a man

    A real man treats his lady the same way he wants another man to treat his daughter.

    the ultimate measure of a man

    A real man never hurts a woman – A Real Man Quotes

    The ultimate measure of a man